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Configuring Essential Settings

When you started the project in the previous lesson, you didn’t configure any settings at all.

In fact, you even didn’t give your project a name until the end of the lesson. That project was designed to skip the sometimes dry project setup tasks and jump right into the fun stuff. Now you’ll take a step back and correctly set up a new project. To do so, let’s return to the Project manager.

  • If DaVinci Resolve is closed, open the application to get to the Project manager. If DaVinci Resolve is already open, choose File > Project manager, or press Shift-1.

  • At the bottom of the Project manager, click the New Project button.

  • In the Create New Project dialog that appears, enter the project name My New Project, and click Create. The new project opens in the Edit page.

  • To close all the extra panels that you opened in the previous lesson, choose Workspace > Reset UI Layout. DaVinci Resolve uses default values for project settings such as frame rate for playback, and output resolution. You can customize these values in the Project settings window.

  • Choose File > Project settings to open the Project settings window.

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